About me

Lucas's Photo

Hi I'm Lucas Losekann Rosa,

and it's a pleasure to have you reading my portfolio right now, I'm 18 years old and I was born in Cachoeria do sul - RS, Brazil. When I was in fourth grade I started doing robotics with lego, in sixth grade my team and I migrated to arduino and that's when my passion for programming flourished. However, the following year I had to move to Balneário Gaivota - SC, Brazil (where I live nowadays) with my family. Not finding any kind of robotics group around, I started my studies in programming and when I saw that in the neighboring city there was a school with a informatics course, I decided that I would study there. And now that I've finished high school integrated with a technical course in informatics and I am enrolling in the Computer Science course at Univali university, I'm looking for a new professional experience. Along my jouney I developed platform games, websites with react and next, basic desktop applications with .net, PWAs and mobile applications with react-native, rest APIs with nodejs and mongoDB/MySql and also with adonisjs and postgresql, as well as systems with php and laravel. Please have a look at my projects if you haven't already done so.


  1. Fullstack Developer

    Macro Quantico

  2. Fullstack Developer

    Convem Store

    I mainly worked around the Typescript ecosystem, with Express on the backend and React on the frontend. In terms of infrastructure, I used DynamoDB a lot as a non-relational database, PostgreSQL as a relational database, AWS API Gateway, EKS to manage microservices and AWS SQS in conjunction with AWS Lambda for asynchronous processing. From the moment I joined the company, I added a lot in terms of code organization, creating templates for lambdas, express microservices and infra-as-code.

  3. Fullstack Developer

    Via Dupla Arquitetura

    A freelance where a homepage and a system were developed for two architects from my city. They wanted something that represented them but at the same time could add new projects that would serve as a kind of portfolio for future new clients.

Lucas's Photo

Fullstack Developer



Home page

Via Dupla

A landing page and system for two architects who have access to an administrative page where they can add, edit or delete projects. It was developed with nodejs in the backend using mongodb as a database and Google drive to store the images. In the frontend, the ejs template engine was used along with css and vannila js.

My Portfolio

In this project I made my portfolio, showing a little more about my professional side. The purpose of this project is to add value to my professional image. It was developed with NextJs along with tailwindcss in the frontend, and sanity was used as a CMS for the page content.





01 Emotional intelligence
I act with empathy, understand the work, the need, the reaction of others and maintain a collaborative attitude. But I also connect with other people to achieve results as a group.
02 Organization
As an organized person, I save time because information can be found more quickly, reducing sensitivity to errors related to inattention.
03 Collaboration
I am willing to help when someone from the team encounters problems or bugs. I also know how to listen and understand colleagues from other areas, seeking to add value to projects as a whole, not just the part for which I am technically responsible.